Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Update: All-Time Playoff Records


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1998 -     COL LAG DCU
1999 -     dal --- ---
2000 -     NER NYR skc
2001 -     DAL lag ---
2002 -     ner --- ---
2003 -     DCU NER sje
2004 -     --- --- ---
2005 -     DCU ner ---
2006 -     ner --- ---
2007 -     DCU ner ---
2008 -     NER clb ---
2009 -     NER rsl ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - hou --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Colorado      1-0 (W 1998)
Los Angeles   1-1 (W 1998, L 2001)
DC            4-0 (W 1998, W 2003, W 2005, W 2007)
Dallas        1-1 (L 1999, W 2001)
New England   4-4 (W 2000, L 2002, W 2003, L 2005, L 2006, L 2007, W 2008, W 2009)
New York      1-0 (W 2000)
Kansas City   0-1 (L 2000)
San Jose      0-1 (L 2003)
Columbus      0-1 (L 2008)
Salt Lake     0-1 (L 2009)
Houston       0-1 (L 2012)

MLS Cup Final 1-2
Semifinals    3-5
Quarterfinals 8-3
Wildcards     0-1

OVERALL       12-11

Playoffs      12 of 16


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2005 -     --- --- ---
2006 -     hou --- ---
2007 -     skc --- ---
2008 -     rsl --- ---
2009 -     lag --- ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Houston       0-1 (L 2006)
Kansas City   0-1 (L 2007)
Salt Lake     0-1 (L 2008)
Los Angeles   0-1 (L 2009)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-0
Quarterfinals 0-4
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       0-4

Playoffs      4 of 9


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     --- --- ---
1997 -     SKC DAL dcu
1998 -     chi --- ---
1999 -     lag --- ---
2000 -     skc --- ---
2001 -     --- --- ---
2002 -     DAL lag ---
2003 -     skc --- ---
2004 -     lag --- ---
2005 -     DAL lag ---
2006 -     DAL hou ---
2007 -     --- --- ---
2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     CLB SJE DAL
2011 - CLB skc --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - sea --- --- ---

Kansas City   1-3 (W 1997, L 2000, L 2003, L 2011)
Dallas        5-0 (W 1997, W 2002, W 2005, W 2006, W 2010)
DC            0-1 (L 1997)
Chicago       0-1 (L 1998)
Los Angeles   0-4 (L 1999, L 2002, L 2004, L 2005)
Houston       0-1 (L 2006)
Columbus      2-0 (W 2010, W 2011)
San Jose      1-0 (W 2010)
Seattle       0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 1-1
Semifinals    2-3
Quarterfinals 5-6
Wildcards     1-1

OVERALL       9-11

Playoffs      12 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     tbm --- ---
1997 -     TBM dcu ---
1998 -     NYR dcu ---
1999 -     TBM dcu ---
2000 -     --- --- ---
2001 -     sje --- ---
2002 -     SJE ner ---
2003 -     --- --- ---
2004 -     ner --- ---
2005 -     --- --- ---
2006 -     --- --- ---
2007 -     --- --- ---
2008 -     SKC CHI NYR
2009 -     rsl --- ---
2010 -     col --- ---
2011 - col --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Tampa Bay     2-1 (L 1996, W 1997, W 1999)
DC            0-3 (L 1997, L 1998, L 1999)
New York      2-0 (W 1998, W 2008)
San Jose      1-1 (L 2001, W 2002)
New England   0-2 (L 2002, L 2004)
Kansas City   1-0 (W 2008)
Chicago       1-0 (W 2008)
Salt Lake     0-1 (L 2009)
Colorado      0-2 (L 2010, L 2011)

MLS Cup Final 1-0
Semifinals    1-4
Quarterfinals 5-5
Wildcards     0-1

OVERALL       7-10

Playoffs      11 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     NYR TBM LAG
1997 -     NER CLB COL
1998 -     MIA CLB chi
1999 -     MIA CLB LAG
2000 -     --- --- ---
2001 -     --- --- ---
2002 -     --- --- ---
2003 -     chi --- ---
2004 -     NYR NER SKC
2005 -     chi --- ---
2006 -     NYR ner ---
2007 -     chi --- ---
2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- NYR hou ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

New York      4-0 (W 1996, W 2004, W 2006, W 2012)
Tampa Bay     1-0 (W 1996)
Los Angeles   2-0 (W 1996, W 1999)
New England   2-1 (W 1997, W 2004, L 2006)
Columbus      3-0 (W 1997, W 1998, W 1999)
Colorado      1-0 (W 1997)
Miami         2-0 (W 1998, W 1999)
Chicago       0-4 (L 1998, L 2003, L 2005, L 2007)
Kansas City   1-0 (W 2004)
Houston       0-1 (L 2012)

MLS Cup Final 4-1
Semifinals    5-2
Quarterfinals 7-3
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       16-6

Playoffs      10 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     skc --- ---
1997 -     LAG col ---
1998 -     lag --- ---
1999 -     CHI lag ---
2000 -     nyr --- ---
2001 -     chi --- ---
2002 -     col --- ---
2003 -     --- --- ---
2004 -     --- --- ---
2005 -     col --- ---
2006 -     col --- ---
2007 -     hou --- ---
2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     RSL LAG col
2011 - nyr --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Kansas City   0-1 (L 1996)
Los Angeles   2-2 (W 1997, L 1998, L 1999, W 2010)
Colorado      0-5 (L 1997, L 2002, L 2005, L 2006, L 2010)
Chicago       1-1 (W 1999, L 2001)
New York      0-2 (L 2000, L 2011)
Houston       0-1 (L 2007)
Salt Lake     1-0 (W 2010)

MLS Cup Final 0-1
Semifinals    1-2
Quarterfinals 3-8
Wildcards     0-1

OVERALL       4-12

Playoffs      12 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2006 -     CHV COL NER
2007 -     DAL SKC NER
2008 -     nyr --- ---
2009 -     SEA lag ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- PHI SKC lag
2012 - CHI SKC DCU lag
2013 - MON NYR skc ---

Chivas        1-0 (W 2006)
COlorado      1-0 (W 2006)
New England   2-0 (W 2006, W 2007)
Dallas        1-0 (W 2007)
Kansas City   3-1 (W 2007, W 2011, W 2012, L 2013)
New York      1-1 (L 2008, W 2013)
Seattle       1-0 (W 2009)
Los Angeles   0-2 (L 2009, L 2011, L 2012)
Philadelphia  1-0 (W 2011)
Chicago       1-0 (W 2012)
DC            1-0 (W 2012)
Montreal      1-0 (W 2013)

MLS Cup Final 2-2
Semifinals    4-2
Quarterfinals 6-1
Wildcards     2-0

OVERALL       14-5

Playoffs      7 of 8


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     SJE SKC dcu
1997 -     dal --- ---
1998 -     DAL chi ---
1999 -     COL DAL dcu
2000 -     TBM skc ---
2001 -     NYR CHI sje
2002 -     SKC COL NER
2003 -     sje --- ---
2004 -     COL skc ---
2005 -     SJE COL NER
2006 -     --- --- ---
2007 -     --- --- ---
2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     CHV HOU rsl
2010 -     SEA fcd ---
2011 - --- NYR RSL HOU
2013 - --- rsl --- ---

San Jose      3-2 (W 1996, L 2001, L 2003, W 2005, W 2012)
Kansas City   2-2 (W 1996, L 2000, W 2002, L 2004)
DC            0-2 (L 1996, L 1999)
Dallas        2-2 (L 1997, W 1998, W 1999, L 2010)
Chicago       1-1 (L 1998, W 2001)
Colorado      4-0 (W 1999, W 2002, W 2004, W 2005)
Tampa Bay     1-0 (W 2000)
New York      2-0 (W 2001, W 2011)
New England   2-0 (W 2002, W 2005)
Chivas        1-0 (W 2009)
Houston       3-0 (W 2009, W 2011, W 2012)
Salt Lake     1-2 (L 2009, W 2011, L 2013)
Seattle       2-0 (W 2010, W 2012)
Vancouver     1-0 (W 2012)

MLS Cup Final 4-4
Semifinals    8-4
Quarterfinals 12-3
Wildcards     1-0

OVERALL       25-11

Playoffs      15 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1998 -     dcu --- ---
1999 -     dcu --- ---
2000 -     --- --- ---
2001 -     SKC sje ---

DC            0-2 (L 1998, L 1999)
Kansas City   1-0 (W 2001)
San Jose      0-1 (L 2001)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-1
Quarterfinals 1-2
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       1-3

Playoffs      3 of 4


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - hou --- --- ---

Houston       0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-0
Quarterfinals 0-0
Wildcards     0-1

OVERALL       0-1

Playoffs      1 of 2


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     --- --- ---
1997 -     dcu --- ---
1998 -     --- --- ---
1999 -     --- --- ---
2000 -     chi --- ---
2001 -     --- --- ---
2002 -     CHI CLB lag
2003 -     NYR chi ---
2004 -     CLB dcu ---
2005 -     NYR CHI lag
2006 -     CHI DCU hou
2007 -     NYR CHI hou
2008 -     chi --- ---
2009 -     chi --- ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- skc --- ---

DC            1-2 (L 1997, L 2004, W 2006)
Chicago       4-4 (L 2000, W 2002, L 2003, W 2005, W 2006, W 2007, L 2008, L 2009)
Columbus      2-0 (W 2002, W 2004)
Los Angeles   0-2 (L 2002, L 2005)
New York      3-0 (W 2003, W 2005, W 2007)
Houston       0-2 (L 2006, L 2007)
Kansas City   0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 0-4
Semifinals    4-2
Quarterfinals 6-5
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       10-11

Playoffs      11 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     dcu --- ---
1997 -     --- --- ---
1998 -     clb --- ---
1999 -     --- --- ---
2000 -     DAL chi ---
2001 -     lag --- ---
2002 -     --- --- ---
2003 -     ner --- ---
2004 -     dcu --- ---
2005 -     ner --- ---
2006 -     dcu --- ---
2007 -     ner --- ---
2008 -     HOU RSL clb
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     sje --- ---
2011 - DAL lag --- ---
2012 - --- dcu --- ---
2013 - --- hou --- ---

DC            0-4 (L 1996, L 2004, L 2006, L 2012)
Columbus      0-2 (L 1998, L 2008)
Dallas        2-0 (W 2000, W 2011)
Chicago       0-1 (L 2000)
Los Angeles   0-2 (L 2001, L 2011)
New England   0-3 (L 2003, L 2005, L 2007)
Houston       1-1 (W 2008, L 2013)
Salt Lake     1-0 (W 2008)
San Jose      0-1 (L 2010)

MLS Cup Final 0-1
Semifinals    1-1
Quarterfinals 2-12
Wildcards     1-0

OVERALL       4-14

Playoffs      14 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- hou --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Houston       0-1 (L 2011)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-0
Quarterfinals 0-1
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       0-1

Playoffs      1 of 4


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- SEA rsl ---

Seattle       1-0 (W 2013)
Salt Lake     0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-1
Quarterfinals 1-0
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       1-1

Playoffs      1 of 3


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2005 -     --- --- ---
2006 -     --- --- ---
2007 -     --- --- ---
2008 -     CHV nyr ---
2009 -     CLB CHI LAG
2010 -     fcd --- ---
2011 - --- SEA lag ---
2012 - --- sea --- ---
2013 - --- LAG POR skc

Chivas        1-0 (W 2008)
New York      0-1 (L 2008)
Columbus      1-0 (W 2009)
Chicago       1-0 (W 2009)
Los Angeles   2-1 (W 2009, L 2011, W 2013)
Dallas        0-1 (L 2010)
Seattle       1-1 (W 2011, L 2012)
Portland      1-0 (W 2013)
Kansas City   0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 1-1
Semifinals    2-2
Quarterfinals 4-2
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       7-5

Playoffs      6 of 9


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     lag --- ---
1997 -     --- --- ---
1998 -     --- --- ---
1999 -     --- --- ---
2000 -     --- --- ---
2001 -     CLB MIA LAG
2002 -     clb --- ---
2003 -     LAG SKC CHI
2004 -     skc --- ---
2005 -     lag --- ---

2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     NYR col ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- lag --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Los Angeles   2-3 (L 1996, W 2001, W 2003, L 2005, L 2012)
Columbus      1-1 (W 2001, L 2002)
Miami         1-0 (W 2001)
Kansas City   1-1 (W 2003, L 2004)
Chicago       1-0 (W 2003)
New York      1-0 (W 2010)
Colorado      0-1 (L 2010)

MLS Cup Final 2-0
Semifinals    2-1
Quarterfinals 3-5
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       7-6

Playoffs      8 of 16


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2009 -     hou --- ---
2010 -     lag --- ---
2011 - --- rsl --- ---
2012 - --- RSL lag ---
2013 - COL por --- ---

Houston       0-1 (L 2009)
Los Angeles   0-2 (L 2010, L 2012)
Salt Lake     1-1 (L 2011, W 2012)
Colorado      1-0 (W 2013)
Portland      0-1 (L 2013)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-1
Quarterfinals 1-4
Wildcards     1-0

OVERALL       2-5

Playoffs      5 of 5


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     DAL lag ---
1997 -     col --- ---
1998 -     --- --- ---
1999 -     --- --- ---
2000 -     COL LAG CHI
2001 -     mia --- ---
2002 -     lag --- ---
2003 -     COL sje ---
2004 -     SJE LAG dcu
2005 -     --- --- ---
2006 -     --- --- ---
2007 -     CHV hou ---
2008 -     clb --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- COL hou ---
2012 - --- hou --- ---
2013 - --- NER HOU RSL

Dallas      1-0 (W 1996)
Los Angeles 2-2 (L 1996, W 2000, L 2002, W 2004)
Colorado    3-1 (L 1997, W 2000, W 2003, W 2011)
Chicago     1-0 (W 2000)
Miami       0-1 (L 2001)
San Jose    1-1 (L 2003, W 2004)
DC          0-1 (L 2004)
Chivas      1-0 (W 2007)
Houston     1-3 (L 2007, L 2011, L 2012, W 2013)
Columbus    0-1 (L 2008)
New England 1-0 (W 2013)
Salt Lake   1-0 (W 2013)

MLS Cup Final 2-1
Semifinals    3-4
Quarterfinals 7-5
Wildcards     0-0

OVERALL       12-10

Playoffs      12 of 18


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
1996 -     CLB dcu ---
1997 -     clb --- ---
1998 -     --- --- ---
1999 -     clb --- ---
2000 -     lag --- ---
2001 -     --- --- ---

Columbus      1-2 (W 1996, L 1997, L 1999)
DC            0-1 (L 1996)
Los Angeles   0-1 (L 2000)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-1
Quarterfinals 1-3
Wildcards     0-0
OVERALL       1-4

Playoffs      4 of 6


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2007 -     --- --- ---
2008 -     --- --- ---
2009 -     --- --- ---
2010 -     --- --- ---
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - --- --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-0
Quarterfinals 0-0
Wildcards     0-0
OVERALL       0-0

Playoffs      0 of 7


       WC  QF  SF  CUP
2011 - --- --- --- ---
2012 - lag --- --- ---
2013 - --- --- --- ---

Los Angeles   0-1 (L 2012)

MLS Cup Final 0-0
Semifinals    0-0
Quarterfinals 0-0
Wildcards     0-1

OVERALL       0-1

Playoffs      1 of 3


COL 0-1 0-0 COL
CLB 1-0 0-0 0-2 CLB
DCU 0-4 0-0 1-0 3-0 DCU
DAL 1-1 0-0 0-5 0-0 0-0 DAL
HOU 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-0 1-0 1-0 HOU
LAG 1-1 1-0 4-0 0-0 0-2 2-2 2-0 LAG
MIA 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 MIA
MON 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 MON
NER 4-4 0-0 0-0 2-0 1-2 0-0 0-2 0-2 0-0 0-0 NER
NYR 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-4 2-0 1-1 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-3 NYR
PHI 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 PHI
POR 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 POR
RSL 1-0 1-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 2-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 1-0 RSL
SJE 1-0 0-0 0-1 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-3 1-0 0-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 SJE
SEA 0-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 1-1 0-0 SEA
SKC 1-0 1-0 3-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-3 2-2 0-1 0-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-0 1-1 0-0 SKC
TBM 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 TBM
TOR 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 TOR
VAN 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

      ALL   WC    QF    SF   CUP  Playoffs  PP-EPP
HOU  14-5   2-0   6-1   4-2  2-2   7 of  8  +1.601
LAG  25-11  1-0  12-3   8-4  4-4  15 of 18  +1.117
RSL   7-5   0-0   4-2   2-2  1-1   6 of  9  +0.585
DCU  16-6   0-0   7-3   5-2  4-1  10 of 18  +0.328
SKC  12-10  0-0   7-5   3-4  2-1  12 of 18  +0.221
CHI  12-11  0-1   8-3   3-5  1-2  12 of 16  +0.138
SEA   2-5   1-0   1-4   0-1  0-0   5 of  5  +0.004
COL   9-11  1-1   5-6   2-3  1-1  12 of 18  -0.103
SJE   7-6   0-0   3-5   2-1  2-0   8 of 16  -0.108
NER  10-11  0-0   6-5   4-2  0-4  11 of 18  -0.176
CLB   7-10  0-1   5-5   1-4  1-0  11 of 18  -0.187
NYR   4-14  1-0   2-12  1-1  0-1  14 of 18  -0.337
MIA   1-3   0-0   1-2   0-1  0-0   3 of  4  -0.400
DAL   4-12  0-1   3-8   1-2  0-1  12 of 18  -0.405
POR   1-1   0-0   1-0   0-1  0-0   1 of  3  -0.414
TBM   1-4   0-0   1-3   0-1  0-0   4 of  6  -0.550
MON   0-1   0-1   0-0   0-0  0-0   1 of  2  -0.648
CHV   0-4   0-0   0-4   0-0  0-0   4 of  9  -0.700
VAN   0-1   0-1   0-0   0-0  0-0   1 of  3  -0.765
PHI   0-1   0-0   0-1   0-0  0-0   1 of  4  -0.792
TOR   0-0   0-0   0-0   0-0  0-0   0 of  7  -1.000


All records are on a series basis, not a per game basis. The series structures/rules at

the time of the competition are not taken into consideration in the statistics here.

Los Angeles has the most playoff series wins with 25.
Los Angeles have made the playoffs the greatest number of times (15).
Los Angeles has the record for consecutive playoff appearances (10).
Los Angeles are 12-3 in quarterfinal series.
Colorado is 5-0 against Dallas in playoff series.
Los Angeles is 4-0 against Colorado in playoff series.
Chicago is 4-0 against DC United in playoff series.
Houston has only lost four playoff series ever.
DC United and San Jose are tied with missing the playoffs the greatest number of times

Seattle are the only team to make it to the playoffs every year of their existence.
Toronto are the only team to have never made the playoffs.


PP-EPP is Playoff Performance Minus Expected Playoff Performance. It is a statistic I

created to gauge the overall performance of a team in the post-season. To get an idea of

how it works, imagine a league with ten equally skilled teams that has a eight team

playoff post-season that runs for exactly ten years. Under this system, you would expect

any given team to make it to the playoffs eight times, make it to the semifinals four

times, make it to the final twice, and win the playoffs once. If a team from this league

had these exact results from ten years of experience, their PP-EPP would be 0.00, since

their actual performance and the expected performance were exactly equal. However, if a

team made it to the final every year, they would have a positive PP-EPP and if they never

made the playoffs at all, they would have a negative PP-EPP. Furthermore, since the

playoff structure is single elimination, we can assume that making it to the quarterfinals

is twice as likely as making it to the semifinals, which is twice as likely as making it

to the finals, which is twice as likely as winning the final. One other thing we need to

consider is the number of teams in a given season. In a ten team league, it is much easier

to make an eight team playoff than it is in a 16 team league. Likewise, winning MLS Cup

against 15 other clubs is worth more than winning MLS Cup against 9 other clubs. So we

need to take this into consideration when we create our expected values. Now I'll show you

how I go about calculating these numbers.

In 1996, there are 10 teams and 8 playoff spots. We need to allocate points to all teams

based on playoff finish. Let X be the number of points we allocate to the MLS Cup Winner.

Then the runner up gets X/2 points, the semifinalists get X/4 points each, the

quarterfinalists get X/8 points each, and the teams that did not make the playoffs get 0

points. We then want to "normalize" these point values so that their average (or expected

value) is 1. So we set up the following equation:

[X + X/2 + 2(X/4) + 4(X/8)] / 10 = 1

Solving, we get:

X + X/2 + X/2 + X/2 = 10  =>  (5/2)X = 10  =>  X = 4.

So for 1996, (and 1997, 2002, 2003, and 2004 - since they had the same number of teams),

winning the playoffs gets you 4 points, being runner-up gets you 2 points, being a semi-

finalist gets you 1 point, and being a quarterfinalist gets you 0.5 points. To see how

this changes with the total number of teams, suppose we have 16 teams (as in 2010).

Solving our equation again we get (5/2)X = 16  =>  X = 6.4. So then the champion gets 6.4

points, the runner-up gets 3.2 points, the semifinalists get 1.6 points, and the

quarterfinalists gets 0.8 points.

In 2011, it becomes a little more rigorous because we have to deal with 10 teams in the

playoffs. We can't say that a team is twice as likely to be a wildcard than a

quarterfinalist, because there are only two wildcard losers. We set up our equation to

note that there are 10 teams that make the playoffs (i.e. X/10) and that two teams will

lose the wildcard matches (i.e. 2(x/10)). So we get:

[X + X/2 + 2(X/4) + 4(X/8) + 2(X/10)] / 18 = 1  =>  (27/10)X = 18  =>  X = 20/3.

So a quarterfinalist will receive 5/6 points, and a wildcard loser will receive 2/3


A summary of points allocated per year is in the following table:

                |      1998
                | 1996 1999
                | 1997 2000
                | 2002 2001
                | 2003 2005                          2012
                | 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013
Champion        | 4.00 4.80 5.20 5.60 6.00 6.40 6.67 7.04
Runner-Up       | 2.00 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.33 3.52
Semifinalist    | 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.67 1.76
Quarterfinalist | 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.83 0.88
Wildcard        |                               0.67 0.71

Remember that we "normalized" every year so that the average (or expected value) is one

for every year, so the overall expected value is one as well. Points earned in all years

are then added up for each team and divided by the number of years that team has been in

the league. Finally, our expected value (one) is subtracted. For example, Miami Fusion

made it to the quarterfinals in 1998 and 1999, failed to make the playoffs in 2000, and

made it to the semifinals in 2001. The point values for those years are 0.60, 0.60, 0.00,

and 1.20. So Miami's PP-EPP is [0.60 + 0.60 + 0.00 + 1.20] / 4 - 1  =  -0.400. If a team

has never made the playoffs, their performance is 0, and their PP-EPP is 0 - 1 = -1.000.

The PP-EPP for each team is in the final column of the PLAYOFF RECORD SUMMARY exhibit.

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